All Is Relative


20 min immersive virtual reality play starring Siri and the energy entities of three deceased people: Albert Einstein and his two former wives Mileva Maric-Einstein and Elsa Einstein. The audience participates in the reckoning of the late genius and the three women in the context of his famous E=mc2, the Theory of Relativity.




90-minute hybrid performance integrating theater, animation, visual effects, poetry, dance, and music. It seeks unity and compassion in today’s world of cultural, political and religious division.



Hybrid performance by Mabou Mines

Digital set and visual effects designed and created by Misha Zabranska, NYU Skirball Center for Performing Arts, New York



Hybrid media performance by Misha Zabranska, created during art residency at CADA, NYU.

NYU Skirball Center for Performing Arts, New York


Art of Fugue, J.S. Bach

World wide tour of New Century Quartet

Visuals by Misha Films in collaboration with Envisions Center at Purdue University